Sparty's Kind Kids
We can all use a little more kindness. As it turns out, kids are some of the kindest folks around. Sparty’s Kind Kids connects the kindness and creativity of today’s kids with Spartan service across the community to use our imagination and make our community a better place.
It goes like this: kids dream it, Spartans do it. Together, we help serve our communities, connect with one another and make people smile.
Want to fulfill a Kind Kid idea? Check out our kind ideas page and consider planning a service project to make their dream a reality!
Here’s how it works:
It's simple. The smallest acts of kindness can have a huge impact. Sparty’s Kind Kids encourages young minds to help Spartans across the globe make the world a better place.
Step 1: Ask a Child
Ask a child to think about how they would make the world a better, kinder place. No restrictions – just pure imagination! -
Step 2: Download WorksheetDownload a printable Sparty’s Kind Kids worksheet and have them draw or write their idea.
View Downloads -
Step 3: Submit Idea
Submit the idea to us electronically or in the mail. We will read through the ideas and our global community of Spartans will make as many of them happen as possible!
Submit Idea
Classroom Resources
A specialized worksheet, submission form and activity guide exist for Spartan teachers to submit their classroom’s ideas for making the world a kinder place.
If any of the worksheets inspire a service project, we will use the information below to communicate directly with you. The contact information will also be used to send a thank you card to each child who participates from Sparty (shhh...it’s a secret).
If you have questions about Sparty's Kind Kids, please contact our team at myalumni@msu.edu.
Classroom Activity GuideUse the sample classroom lesson to guide your conversation and activity.
Classroom WorksheetsSelect a worksheet that you think would work best in your classroom. There are options for both drawing and writing.
Classroom Submission FormSubmit your classroom’s ideas for making the world a kinder place by filling out this return form and submitting their worksheets.