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Michigan State University

Polar Bears of Churchill

Photo of Polar Bears of Churchill

Churchill, Canada, is known as the polar bear capital of the world and for good reason. Each fall, about 1,000 of these fascinating creatures congregate around this seaport town while they wait for wintertime's sea ice to form over Hudson Bay. Take part in this  unforgettable adventure to be part of this extraordinary annual phenomenon with the special opportunity to observe, photograph and learn about these magnificent Lords of the North.

Program Highlights

– Enjoy a private reception and three-course welcome dinner at Winnipeg's Assiniboine Park Zoo including a presentation on polar bears.

– Venture out into the stark landscape aboard a custom-designed wildlife viewing vehicle, stopping to admire the scenery as you search for arctic hare, snowy owl, ptarmigan and arctic fox.

– Visit Churchill’s Itsanitaq Museum for an exploration of indigenous ways of life while viewing remarkable examples of Inuit craftsmanship.

– Meet an energetic team of sled dogs and their experienced handler, then bundle up for an exciting dog sled experience.

– Gain insight into Churchill's unique ecosystem at the Churchill Northern Studies Centre.

