Sparty Kids
Sparty might be BIG with a capital “B,” but he is a kid at heart! He loves silly pranks and running around with his little Spartan fans. Whether visiting schools or attending birthday parties, he brings cheer wherever he goes and – once they get past his intimidating size – kids love him! What’s not to love?
Sparty has put together some of his favorite activities and coloring pages for kids to enjoy.
Whether you color a masterpiece or solve a puzzle, we'd love it if you would post any pictures with your handiwork on social media and tag @TheRealSparty and @MSUAlumni.
Sparty's Kind Kids
We can all use a little more kindness. As it turns out, kids are some of the kindest folks around. Sparty’s Kind Kids connects the kindness and creativity of today’s kids with Spartan service around the globe.
It goes like this: kids dream it, Spartans do it. Together, we help serve our communities, connect with one another and make people smile.
What Is This Block of Letters For?
This block of letters is giving Sparty some trouble, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. Find and circle the words from the word bank. Thanks for the help — we owe you one!
Spot the Differences.
Sparty is sitting here scratching his head. Something seems off between these two images, doesn’t it? If you find the five differences, please let us know so Sparty can get finally get some sleep.
Sparty is Lost!
Sometimes Sparty still get lost around campus, but how can you blame him? It’s over eight square miles big. That’s almost the size of 4,000 football fields!
Can you help Sparty get to Spartan Stadium in time for kick-off?