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Michigan State University

14 Times When You Need to Update Your Résumé

So you’re starting a job search and you need your résumé. That’s the place to start, right? Well, yes and no. If your résumé is going to be effective it must be more than a document that lists past job descriptions. It has to capture who you are and what solutions you can bring to the work environment. Sure, you can wait until you start looking for a job to dust it off. However, your résumé will be more beneficial if you use it as a tool for self-appraisal before using it to sell yourself!

In addition to the job search, you might also consider updating your résumé when:

  1. Your current résumé isn’t working.
  2. You received a request for a current résumé — and you don’t have one.
  3. You’re in the market for a career change.
  4. You’re a new graduate.
  5. You’re unsure of your market worth.
  6. You’re in a rut.
  7. You’re moving.
  8. You need a résumé that stands out.
  9. You’re too modest.
  10. You want to search online.
  11. You don’t have time to write one yourself. (Get a 3rd party perspective before you need to look for a job! That way, you’ll be able to course correct or gain necessary experiences before you even know you need to look for a new job.)
  12. You’re self-employed and are looking for a “real” job.
  13. You’re re-entering the job market after an absence.
  14. You’re a senior executive — and you have to look on paper like you’re worth that six-figure salary.

Take the time to look at your résumé now before you need make that leap! It’s well worth your investment.


Dave Isbell is the Assistant Director of Alumni Professional Enrichment in the MSU Alumni Office. In this role he facilitates opportunities for alumni to engage in career content. Dave proudly graduated from MSU with a Master’s in Social Work in 2013. He is a Licensed Master Social Worker, Global Career Development Facilitator, Certified Online Instructor and Certified Human Resources Specialist. In addition to his part-time employment with MSU, Dave owns a private mental health and couples therapy practice and is the founding president of Mid-Michigan Emotionally Focused Therapy, a not-for-profit training and development organization.

Karen J. Reiff is an alumna of Michigan State University who recently retired from a 30+ year career as a career coach, Executive Résumé Writer, and Licensed Practical Counselor and is currently enjoying “life after work.” She was Dave Isbell’s GCDF Instructor early in his career and decades later remains a source of inspiration and friendship.

Contributing Writer(s): Dave Isbell ’13, LMSW, GCDF, COI, CHRS and Karen J. Reiff '77, ACRW