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Michigan State University

Celebrating Veterans Day

Memorial Day flag ceremony in the Alumni Memorial Chapel

Celebrating Veterans Day

MSU is home to many veterans—on campus and in the alumni community. From the Veterans Resource Center to our Heroes to Hives program, Spartans and veterans in East Lansing and around the globe are making MSU proud.



Featured Stories

Spartan veterans

MSU veterans share their service stories

Last year, as part of MSU’s Veterans Day Celebration, over 120 Spartan veterans and their families submitted stories about their time serving in the military. These submissions included personal stories of experiences as far back as World War II and extending to soldiers still on active duty today. As we honor Veterans Day, learn more about a few members of the Spartan veteran community who shared their service stories and how you can help support the over 400 student veterans and 2,000+ military-affiliated students who call MSU home.

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Sergeant Leonard Bernard Graham III

Mission Accomplished:
Scholarship fund honors veteran who dreamed of becoming a nurse

Student veterans in the nursing program are being helped along thanks to a scholarship that honors aspiring Spartan nurse Sgt. Leonard Bernard Graham III, whose life ended tragically at age 24.

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Adam Ingrao and fellow beekeeping veterans

Heroes to Hives:
Helping veterans heal

Veterans and honey bees might seem like an odd couple, but this MSU Extension program helps veterans transition from military to civilian life while protecting critical pollinators.

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American soldiers stand up the United States flag

Serving Those Who Served:
MSU programs aim to help military veterans

At Michigan State University, researchers, educators and staff are dedicated to helping combat veterans and MSU students succeed back on home soil.

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Student Veterans Resource Center

Student Veterans Resource Center:
Services for Spartan veterans

The Student Veterans Resource Center (SVRC) is dedicated to promoting the educational, career and personal advancement of service members, veterans and their families.

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Story Collections

Explore more great stories about and for Spartan veterans.



Show Your Support

In honor of Veterans Day, support the Spartans who have bravely served our country.

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The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

Authors: Jessica Mussell, '12, Liam Boylan-Pett, Russ White, '82, '01