Effort to Nearly Double Michigan's Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners

A new program, led by the Colloge of Nursing and funded by a $1.4 million federal grant will begin in January and focus on ensuring more registered nurses have their Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner certification by 2024. SANE-certified nurses have specialized knowledge and clinical preparation in sexual assault and abuse cases.
Currently, the state has 175 SANE-certified nurses; however, they are concentrated in only 22 of the state’s 83 counties. By 2024 this pro?gram will train an additional 130 nurses, already employed in communities across the state, to ensure rural areas have access to these services.
“This is an important project for the state and our university is committed to helping provide more highly-trained sexual assault nurses to all communities,” said MSU President Samuel L. Stanley Jr., M.D. “I’m proud we could be part of this effort. I thank the federal government for the grant and our College of Nursing for their lead?ership and collaboration with campus experts on this opportunity.”
Katherine Dontje (B.S. ’77, MSN ’85, Nursing), the project’s lead and an associate professor in the College of Nursing, said this initiative is a natural fit for MSU to lead.
“Access to trained, trauma-informed health care professionals is still a significant barrier for survivors, with many having to drive great distances to find a SANE-certified nurse,” Dontje said. “This initiative strengthens our existing efforts to improve access to prompt, compassion?ate services for survivors of sexual assault.”
Nurses who participate in the program will engage in online coursework, an in-person clinical workshop and be paired with a mentor for additional clinical hours and experiences to meet the certification requirements.
Dontje said she believes the college’s commit?ment to helping organize all three components is what helped it land the grant, which is up for renewal each year. She noted getting certified can be difficult for some nurses, who have issues securing additional clinical hours and place?ments, especially in rural areas.
The college has worked closely with Rebecca Campbell (M.A. ’93, Ph.D. ’96, Social Science), a professor in the MSU College of Social Sci?ence and advisor to the president on Relation?ship Violence and Sexual Miconduct (RVSM) issues, to write the grant and she will serve as the project’s research evaluator. The project will include several partners across the university including the Michigan Center for Rural Health and the MSU Center for Survivors. In addition, the university will work with state agencies including the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, to ensure the right people and areas receive the training, which typically takes two years to complete.
The effort aims to increase help-seeking rates, and decrease the incidence of RVSM by developing trauma-informed, intersectional programs to address the needs of MSU’s diverse communities.
“SANE programs are a critical resource for sexual assault survivors’ health and well-be?ing,” said Campbell. “We look forward to working with our partners to develop quality clinical training opportunities to address the national shortage of SANE providers.”
College of Nursing Dean Randolph F.R. Rasch said the college is proud to be leading the way in connecting rural communities with skilled nurses.
“Training SANE-certified nurses to be avail?able in more counties throughout the state can possibly improve the lives of countless Michiganders,” said Rasch.
Contributing Writer(s): Kristofer Karol, '07