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Michigan State University

Expanding Her Influence

Rae Chaloult

Expanding Her Influence

Rae Chaloult, ’16, ’19, impacts organizational belonging and health equity at Cleveland-based health care system University Hospitals.

Rae Chaloult sees disparity and does something about it. She doesn’t need any extra motivation. It’s simply a built-in component of her character.

It’s fitting, then, that Chaloult is the systems director of corporate and culture strategies, and diversity, equity and inclusion at University Hospitals. And her influence is growing.

The Cleveland-based health care system cares for more than a million patients each year and is consistently ranked among the nation’s top hospitals. “We’re also recognized for having one of the country’s leading children’s hospitals,” Chaloult says. “I’m so grateful for the opportunity to impact organizational belonging and health equity here.”

But Chaloult didn’t join University Hospitals for the accolades. She’s got goals. Her first aims are to retain and develop current employees, increase diverse employee talent, support equitable policy and compliance and lead educational opportunities. She believes meeting these goals will bolster belonging, trust and accountability across the organization.

“An equitable workplace is a key pillar to drive equitable patient outcomes,” she says, “and health equity is a moral imperative.”

Before joining University Hospitals, Chaloult was the national director of health equity with the March of Dimes, addressing the root causes of the country’s parent and infant health crisis. She and her team identified implicit bias in health care and addressed it by developing equity and education training at individual and organizational levels.

Rae Chaloult sees disparity and does something about it. 

“There’s a call to action here, and this role draws on my background in DEI, workplace violence prevention, adult education and training, policy and compliance review and organizational development,” she says.

If it sounds like a big job, it is—Chaloult is currently supporting 23 hospitals, more than 50 health centers, outpatient facilities and over 200 physician offices in 16 counties throughout Northern Ohio. That’s a total of 40,000 employees and health care providers.

A native of Rochester Hills, Michigan, Chaloult was surrounded by a passionate Spartan family growing up. Her parents, cousin, aunt, uncle and husband, Jacob, are all alums. Sparty attended their wedding.

“When I started at MSU, I stumbled upon the Residential College in the Arts and Humanities, which gave me purpose,” Chaloult recalls. “I knew I wanted to do something centered on community care, and RCAH taught me how. It fueled my drive to make a difference.”

Chaloult completed her B.A. and worked in college admissions before returning to MSU to get her M.A. in student affairs administration. She worked in the sexual violence prevention office at MSU and continued that work as associate director of sexual violence prevention and education at the University of Pennsylvania.

“Health equity requires urgent work, both internal and external to the organization, and I’m continuously motivated to make change,” she says. “There are so many barriers for people of color. We’re identifying and addressing them and trying to elevate black and brown voices in this field.”

As she speaks about her goals for the future of University Hospitals, it’s clear Chaloult has the entire health care world in mind. But that’s no surprise—it’s just who she is.

Rae Chaloult sees disparity and does something about it. 

Contributing Writer(s): Sarah Carpenter, '00

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