Innovative Course Uses Arts to Improve Mental Health

Innovative Course Uses Arts to Improve Mental Health
February 24, 2024Rob Roznowski, professor in the Department of Theatre, is spearheading an innovative Integrative Arts and Humanities course that delves into the transformative potential of the creative arts to alleviate anxiety and stress.
The curriculum encompasses various artistic disciplines, including theatre, dance, music, art and creative writing.
Roznowski designed the class to reignite creativity among students, especially non-arts majors, and found that many of the students experienced a revitalizing return to creative freedom after years of neglect.
“We began observing art at the museums and gardens on campus and then eased our way into self-creation,” Roznowski said. “For many, they were returning to drawing or creative writing for the first time in many years. They knew the arts restorative properties but never took the time to engage. This course forced them to do so.”
In the final segment, students devised their own creative arts exercises tailored to help peers de-stress during finals. After presentations in class, they offered these free activities to students in residence hall neighborhoods.
“On a very basic level, engaging in a creative act relieves the mind from the focus on negative selftalk or the stress of the list of demands that you need to fulfill.” – Rob Roznowski, professor in the Department of Theatre