Meet George, 2023 Homecoming Court Member

Meet George, 2023 Homecoming Court Member
August 30, 2023George Ramirez-Madrigal is a distinguished senior at MSU hailing from Comstock Park, Michigan. With a passion for education, he is currently a student at the College of Education pursuing his degree in Elementary Education with a minor in Spanish.
As a proud member of MSU's Homecoming Court, George is honored to have this opportunity to showcase the hard work of first-generation college students and those who balance their life activities while attending college. He hopes to inspire others and positively impact anyone he collaborates with. George is a natural leader with a passion for learning and teaching. He has honed his leadership skills through working with various groups over the last few years. His dedication and commitment to excellence have earned him great respect from his peers and professors. George believes in leading by example and encourages others to do the same.
When George wants to escape from the busy college life, he retreats to his office in Akers Hall, his go-to spot on campus. It's a place where he can focus and recharge his batteries. He also loves visiting MSU's Dairy store and trying out new flavors, sharing his experiences with others.
George is a remarkable individual with a bright future ahead of him. His passion for education, leadership and community service will undoubtedly continue to inspire others and positively impact society.
"Si se puede! It's possible. Anything is possible, for that matter. As students, we sometimes focus on comparing our struggles with others, but let's face it, we all go through things that can hinder progress or even a sense of accomplishment, but si se puede, it's possible. You can do it all with the right mindset and a supportive environment. Yes, we'll have times where we would like to give up, but those are learning moments that will help us grow. That's the beauty of life; you should be proud of everything you do, every accomplishment you've earned, every stride you take, because at the end of the day, it's you. You should be happy that you did it."
Author: Breana Teamer