Student Spotlights: Shivam Chandra

Shivam Chandra is currently a senior studying human biology with a minor in bioethics. After graduation, Shivam plans to continue with school in Arizona and one day become a physician.
During his time at Michigan State, Shivam has been involved with numerous organizations and has held many leadership positions. Those experiences include the Spartan Relief Initiative; serving as the president of the Interfraternity Council for two years; playing on the MSU Club Rugby Team all while conducting academic research in his field. Shivam believes that without these experiences — the brotherhood, comradery and leadership development — he would not be the person he is today.
The Spartan Relief Initiative is an organization that Shivam is incredibly proud of, and throughout his time here, a lot was accomplished. Starting as a direct result of the pandemic, the organization helps underserved areas and provides support through various methods including financial donations and fundraising efforts. Shivam indicated that the experience taught him about the true struggles that many face and he plans to continue his efforts in this area after graduation.