Rising to the Challenge - Introduction by Senator Debbie Stabenow

Rising to the Challenge - Introduction by Senator Debbie Stabenow
In classical Greece, Spartan women were famed for their strength, education and independence. Female Spartans have always been among the legions of exceptional MSU grads who embody that proud tradition in the modern world. A senator, a governor, an author-advocate, an engineer and a doctor, each has pursued her dreams and lived her values with determination and purpose.
October 1, 2019Introduction by U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, B.A. ’72 Social Science, Honors College; MSW ’76 Social Science; Honorary Doctor of Laws ’03
I’m honored to introduce four exceptional women who are showing the world what Spartans can do. The women you are going to read about share dedication, creativity and the willingness to work—sometimes against all odds—to make a difference. They come from different backgrounds and have different stories, but they share that ceaseless Spartan drive to change our world for the better.
I know a little something about that drive. The first time I ran for office—a seat on the Ingham County Board of Commissioners—I was 24 years old and completing my master’s degree in social work at MSU. I didn’t have much political experience. But I had a cause I believed in—keeping the Ingham County Medical Care Facility open so all of our seniors could get the health care they need.
I also had a Spartan willingness to work really hard. My opponent in the race derisively referred to me as “that young broad.” Then the young broad beat him!
In 2000, I was honored to be the first woman from Michigan to be elected to the United States Senate. Today I use my Spartan drive to champion issues important to our great state and our families.
The four women featured on the following pages are running state government, working on HIV prevention, breaking barriers in technology and improving the health and well-being of our children.
If you’re looking for inspiration, look no further than Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, Cookie Johnson and Priya Balasubramaniam. These women prove that Spartans Will!
Hear more from Senator Stabenow:
Contributing Writer(s): U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow